July 2022 Corporate Community Champion
The City of Woodland has been a strong supporter of United Way for more than 20 years, raising over $200,000 for the community!
Chief of Police, Derrek Kaff, has shown his support for United Way by serving on the United Way Board of Directors and currently as a member of our Yolo County Community Advisory Committee. Chief Kaff can be found volunteering in the community along with fellow police officers, firefighters, and city council members at our Kindercamp Kids Farmers Markets and annual Woodland Kids Read event.
Rosie Ledesma, Environmental Resources Analyst, graciously coordinates the city-wide annual employee giving campaign, ensuring all employees have the opportunity to donate to the non-profit of their choice.
Woodland has allocated Measure J funding to our Kindercamp program to ensure more children are prepared to enter kindergarten. The Woodland Public Library has also helped us distribute over 40,000 books to local children!