Keep People Housed – Solano

Behind on Rent? Trouble with your Landlord? At risk of an eviction?

Solano County and CAP Solano JPA has partnered with United Way California Capital Region to help prevent homelessness to Solano County residents who said “yes” to any of the questions above.

Keep People Housed – Solano is a program that can provide eligible households with flexible financial assistance to pay rent, utilities, security deposits, or moving costs, as well as legal referrals and other services to prevent Solano County residents from becoming homeless.

Using the Bay Area Community Services (BACS) online application portal, this FREE program can provide you the resources you need to get the help you need to stay in your home!

To be eligible, applicants must be Solano County residents with incomes at or below 50% of the Area Median Income and a demonstrated risk of homelessness or housing loss due to recent financial or other hardships.

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To qualify your household income must be equal to or less than the number of persons in your family.

Accepted applicants to the program will receive rapid and flexible financial assistance paired with flexible, hands-on and individualized housing stabilization services as well as legal referrals for all households facing eviction.

Housing stabilization services could include creating household budgets, housing stability plans, providing problem-solving support, referrals to other community resources that can help households increase their incomes, lower their housing costs, or otherwise build financial stability and strength (for example: workforce development, childcare, health or mental health, domestic violence services, etc.).


Email [email protected] or call (707) 316-8047.